Gift Certificates

Deer­holme Farm Gift Certificates:

We offer gift cer­tifi­cates that can be spec­i­fied for an event or class or left flex­i­ble (ie. spec­i­fied dol­lar amount) for the indi­vid­ual to put towards the event of their choice. The cer­tifi­cate can be quickly emailed as a PDF doc­u­ment for you to print off at your convenience.

Events often sell out and there are wait­ing lists for the more pop­u­lar events. All events are by reser­va­tion only. You must book in advance. Upon reserv­ing we will con­tact you the week of the event to update you of the event sta­tus, remind you of the day and time and pro­vide direc­tions to our farm.

Refunds: We do not refund certificates. They have no cash value but can be redeemed for the value of the certificate towards any events on the farm. There is no time frame for the certificates.

gift.certificate example

Pop­u­lar cer­tifi­cates are:

Deer­holme farm din­ner ($125/person + GST) = $115.00/person or $241.50/couple

Deer­holme farm cook­ing class ($150/person + GST) = $131.25/person or $262.510/couple

Deer­holme farm wild food for­age ($150/person + GST) = $157.50/person or $315/couple

Deerholme wild food weekend ($250/person + GST) = $262.50/person or $525/couple

Please call with any ques­tions or con­tact me below.


250 748‑7450